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Climate Breakdown

Ecocide: “unlawful or wanton acts committed with knowledge that there is a substantial likelihood of severe and either widespread or long-term damage to the environment being caused by those acts.”

Carbon Bankroll 2.0     

NOAA: Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Now More Than 50% Higher Than Pre-Industrial Levels - Pre-industrial levels: about 280 ppm. Currently (6/3/22): about 420 and rapidly rising. Scientific concensus: The highest safe level is 350. And Here.

Climate.Gov: Climate Change: Global Temperature - In terms of average global surface temp

1880-1900 avg temp: 56.65 F/13.7 C

2022: 58.55 F/14.75 C

Goal is to stay below: 59 F/15.2 C (+1.5C above 1900 avg)    

NPR: USDA Updated Plant Hardiness Zones       

NOAA: Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale    


Guardian: 7+ Million Under Tornado/Flood Watch in Texas     


Al Jazeera: Record-Breaking Heatwave Threatens 130 Million People in US     


NBC News: Midwest Reels From Devastating Flood Damage, With More Storms Set to Hit       


NBC News: Summer's Start: A Deadly Week of Extreme Weather     


NBC: Sweltering Heat Wave Puts 44 Million Under Warnings as Midwest Reels From Floods - Are we at 'Biblical Proportions' yet? From the article: "The Associated Press calculated that the U.S. experienced more heat waves in 2023 than in any year since 1936. Excessive heat contributed to more than 2,300 deaths, the highest in 45 years, its study found." And that was last year. When the flood gauge is underwater you know you're in trouble.


CBS News: Scorching Temperatures Persist as Heat Wave Expands, With Record-Breaking Temperatures Expected Across US     


Guardian: Elected Officials in Swelteriing US States Prioritizing Fossil Fuel Cash Over People     


Guardian: Millions Face Record-High Temperatures as Heat Dome Intensifies Over US     


Al Jazeera: Workiing in 'Hell Fire': Gig Workers Bear the Brunt of India's Heatwave - From the article: $7 per day for 10 hours work in 120 degree heat making deliveries on a bicycle.


Guardian: World's Top Banks Greenwashing Their Role in Destruction of the Amazon     


Guardian: Big Oil Tells Whore Court to Shield it From Liability for Climate Damage     


NBC: Phoenix and Las Vegas Break All-Time Daily Temperature Records at 113 & 111 - Death Valley 122


Guardian: UN Chief Urges Global Fossil-Fuel Advertising Ban

Good News Network: Data from Battery-Powered Trains Shows Swapping Batteries for Diesel Saves 12 Million Tons of Emissions per Year     


CNN: Heat Dome Will Send Temperatures Into the Triple-Digits Across the West     


Boston Globe: The Earth Just Had its Warmest May Ever, the 12th Record-Breaking Month in a Row     


The Hill: Vermont Becomes First State to Require Oil Companies to Pay for Climate Change Damage     


New Yorker: Images of Climate Change     


CBC Canada: For the First Time, There's Visual Evidence Warm Sea Water is Pushing Under Doomsday Glacier    


Des Moines Register: Insurance Industry's Hypocrisy: Warning About Climate Change, Backing Fossil Fuels     

Yahoo: Hurricane Season: NOAA Makes Highest Storm Forecast on Record     


Guardian: 'The Stakes Could Not Be Higher": World is on Edge of Climate Abyss, UN Warns     


Guardian: World's Top Climate Scientists Expect Global Heating to Blast Past 1.5 C Target - “The world’s response to date is reprehensible – we live in an age of fools.”


AP: From Flooding in Brazil and Houston to Brutal Heat in Asia, Extreme Weather Seems Nearly Everywhere     


Common Dreams: Biden Restores, Expands Bedrock Environmental Law Gutted by Trump    


Newsweek: Big Oil Could Face Homicide Charges     


Guardian: Tenth Consecutive Monthly Heat Record Alarms and Confounds Climate Scientists     


Guardian: Scientists Confirm Record Highs For Three Most Important Heat Trapping Gases    

2023 was the first year that stayed above that mark for the entire year.


AP: South Sudan Shutters All Schools as it Prepares for Extreme Heat Wave     


New Republic: The Case for Prosecuting Fossil Fuel Companies for Homocide     


BBC: World's First Year-Long Breach of Key 1.5C Limit  


BBC: More Climate Records Fall in World's Warmest February  


Weather.com: Texas Wildfire Grows to Largest on Record and Here     


Guardian: John Kerry: Demagogues Imperilling Global Fight Against Climate Breakdown    


Vice: How Do Oil Companies Get Away With...Everything? An Expert Explains     

Weather.com: Census Bureau: Weather Disasters Displaced 2.5 Million in US in 2023    


NYTimes: Biden Administration Relaxes Timetable for Shift to Electric Cars     


Guardian: EPA Again OKs Use of Toxic Herbicide Linked to Parkinson's Disease - Difference?


Guardian: Atlantic Ocean Circulation Nearing Tipping Point, Study Finds    

NPR: Climate Scientist Michael Mann Wins Defamation Case Against Conservative Writers  


Guardian: Hurricanes Becoming So Strong That a Category 6 is Necessary     


Guardian: 'Smoking Gun Proof': Fossil Fuel Industry Knew of Climate Danger as Early as 1954, Documents Show    


New Yorker: The Perverse Policies That Fuel Wildfires       


Guardian: Why 2024 Will Be the Crucial Year for Climate Litigation  


NOAA: 2023 Was the World's Warmest Year on Record, By Far - From the article: "The 10 warmest years since 1850 have all occurred in the past decade...

The 2023 upper ocean heat content...was the highest on record. The five highest values have all occurred in the last five years."

Bill McKibben: Friction is Growing - Big insurance companies are now repeating the same talking points that climate activists have been using for years. Too bad they couldn't have come on board years ago.


Guardian: 2023 Smashes Record for World's Hottest Year by Huge Margin - “Every year for the rest of your life will be one of the hottest [on] record. This in turn means that 2023 will end up being one of the coldest years of this century. Enjoy it while it lasts.”

Climate Breakdown 2023